Tailpipe C02 (g/km)
*The average tailpipe carbon dioxide is calculated for all vehicles of a similar body type and from emissions reported in the Australian Government's Green Vehicle Guide database.
Tailpipe C0 2 (g/km)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions data is measured in grams per kilometre and is based on standardised lab testing. The data is provided to the Australian Government by vehicle manufacturers for the Green Vehicle Guide.
The lab testing involves different phases that imitate different kinds of driving. The results are presented in the following three categories:
This phase tests the vehicle for city driving conditions, including stop-start traffic and engine idling.
This phase includes testing at higher speeds.
This phase provides a figure which is a distance-weighted average of the Urban and Extra test phases.
Annual diesel cost
Average $2,212*
Edit annual cost calculation parameters
The VESR calculator has an example diesel price set as $2/L. You can edit the VESR calculator and change the example diesel price.
The VESR calculator has an example petrol price set as $2/L. You can edit the VESR calculator and change the example petrol price.
The VESR calculator has an example electricity price set as $0.35/kWh. You can edit the VESR calculator and change the example electricity price.
*The average annual cost is calculated for all vehicles of a similar body type using the kilometres, fuel and electricity prices set in the VESR calculator, and energy consumption reported in the Australian Government's Green Vehicle Guide database. You can edit the VESR calculator and change the example price and annual travelling distance.
Annual diesel cost
The default annual cost is calculated using the example set in the VESR calculator and is based on a vehicle travelling 14,000 km in a year. You can edit the VESR calculator and change the example price and annual travelling distance.
Vehicle details
Vehicle details are reported by manufacturers to the Australian Government. Vehicle data is drawn under license from the Australian Government’s Green Vehicle Guide.
3 door, 3 seat Van
6 spd Manual
1.6L 4cyl Turbo Diesel
Fuel consumption 
Fuel consumption
Fuel consumption - indicates the vehicle’s fuel consumption in litres of fuel per 100 kilometres (L/100km). Vehicle details are reported by manufacturers to the Australian Government. Vehicle data is drawn under license from the Australian Government’s Green Vehicle Guide.
Electric range 
Electric range (variable)
Indicates expected driving range when fully charged. Vehicle details are reported by manufacturers to the Australian Government. Vehicle data is drawn under license from the Australian Government’s Green Vehicle Guide.
Indicates expected driving range when fully charged.